Summary Plan Description (SPD)
The Summary Plan Description explains the benefits available to you and your family. When reading the SPD, please also be sure to read the Summary of
Material Modifications (SMM) as they will explain the most recent Plan changes.
Regular Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
This document provides you with a quick reference of covered expenses, deductibles and out-of-pocket. This is not a full explanation of the benefits
covered by the Plan. For more information about the benefits covered by the Plan, please reference the Summary Plan Description.
Reduced Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
This document provides you with a quick reference of covered expenses, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for the Reduced Plan. This is not a full
explanation of the benefits covered by the Plan. For more information about the benefits covered by the Plan, please reference the Summary Plan Description.
Pre-Apprentice Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
This document provides you with a quick reference of covered expenses, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs for the Pre-Apprentice Plan. This is not a full
explanation of the benefits covered by the Plan. For more information about the benefits covered by the Plan, please reference the Summary Plan Description.
Summary of Material Modification (SMM)
The Summary Plan Description document is updated from time-to-time. SMM include additional information and changes to the Plan.
SMM - SaveOnSP Program
The Summary Plan Description document is updated from time-to-time. SMM include additional information and changes to the Plan.